Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Fitriani, Yessy
Teknik Informatika
2019-11-27 04:33:10
Abstract :
In the communication and exchange of data, data security is required in order for the data that is exchanged is not manipulated or taken by people who are not responsible. The study about data security is called cryptography, which is divided into two types namely classical Cryptography and modern Cryptography. In the era of computerization is used in modern Cryptography is the use of binary figures involved in the process. At STT PLN, this science is studied in courses of computer System Security. RSA and Steganography is part of modern Cryptography involving computers in use. RSA is hiding or scrambles the original message (plaintext) and get his coded message (the ciphertext), while the science and art of Steganography is hiding a secret message into a medium in the form of images, audio files or video files. Then with the help of the media learning helps students understand the concepts and workings of the RSA and Steganography. In addition it was also created to help teachers provide examples with effective. Applications created using Matlab-based GUI. Based on the use of the application, it can be seen that the RSA and interrelated because Steganogtafi to be able to insert the message in the picture, which is a ciphertext is required the process of RSA. Pictures that have been pasted message undergoes changes in its size. Steganography method end of file does not damage the quality of the original image, so that the original image and the image of stego looks very similar and difficult to distinguish visually eye. In this application, will be shown the process or way of working manually in order to assist in the understanding of the material. These applications use the Matlab function with several separate from the main coding in order to facilitate her treatment or pengembanganan. With this application, the Professor helped in providing examples of cases effectively.