Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Ivanky, Gilang Rahmad
Soewono, Soetjipto
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-27 04:36:16
Abstract :
The substation as one part of the electric power system that plays a role in the distribution of electric power from the power plant to the load, so the conditions must be ensured safe. However, the main substation has the potential to experience interference due to lightning strikes the channel on the substation which can endanger the condition of the equipment and humans around it, one that endangers humans is a voltage step that cannot be received by humans, so the Plumpang substation uses the Grid earthing system as its protector . To evaluate grounding substations using qualitative methods, namely processing data with a formula to get the results of research. From the results of calculations obtained grounding prisoners at the main substation plumpang of 0.11?. While from the results of measurements in the field obtained a value of 0.13. For the largest step stress value due to lightning strikes on the grid ground system of 370.7099224 V. While the value of the largest step stress due to lightning strikes on the ground without using a grid of 501.8916 V