Analisa Proteksi Tegangan Lebih Dengan Menggunakan Arrester Gapless Untuk Proteksi Trafo Pada Sistem 150 KV PT.PLN (PERSERO) Gardu Induk Gandul Berdasarkan Standar IEC 60094 Series. Total View This Week0
Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Putro, Dimas Prasetyo Nugroho Isworo, Lakso
Teknik Elektro
2019-12-05 12:40:56
Abstract :
At a substation, an equipment is needed that can protect overvoltage on the equipment. Overvoltages that occur will make dangerous equipment if left to flow on the system and channeled to the load. Overvoltages can be cut with arresters so they do not endanger the equipment connected to them. One of the equipment protected by arresters is a transformer. Transformers are equipment that have an important role in the operation of a substation. This research was conducted at the 150 kV Gandul substation. This research was conducted by selecting the appropriate arrester. How to do this research using several calculation methods used. Among these calculations it was found that the ability of arresters to protect the transformer was already good at a distance of 2.3 meters with a voltage terminal voltage of 475.3 KV grounding for the arrester, namely direct grounding.