Analisis Perhitungan Arus Hubung Singkat Untuk Kapasitas Pemutus Tenaga (PMT) Sisi 20 kV Di Gardu Induk Serpong.
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Manalu, Jeferson
Handayani, Oktaria
Teknik Elektro 
2019-12-05 12:42:08 
Abstract :
The construction of substation in serpong has an important role in meeting the electricity needs of consumers. The substation functions to continue sending electrical energy from the transmission network to the distribution network. In a 20 kV distribution network, especially underground cable networks often experience disruption in the form of failures at the connection or also due to excavation activities involving cables, resulting in short circuit disturbances. So on the distribution network a security system is installed. In the safety system there is a power breaker (PMT) or Circuit Breaker (CB) which is a mechanical switch, which is able to close, drain and disconnect the load current under normal conditions and is able to close, drain and disconnect the load current in disturbance conditions such as short circuit conditions. The appropriate PMT rating capacity is needed so that electrical energy shipments become more reliable. The results of manual rating breaking capacity PMT show that the power breaker current value for feeder is 9,379 kA, for Busbar power breaker current 20 kV is 20,946 kA, and for transformer is 17,106 kA. Comparison of the installed PMT rating is in accordance with the PMT rating selection based on calculations. So that it can be concluded that the power breaker (PMT) on the 20 kV Serpong Substation has fulfilled the requirements and service requirements. 

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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara