Perencanaan PLTS On Grid Kapasitas 28 kWp Pada Atap Gedung Kantor Walikota Jakarta Barat
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Putra, Tri Purnama
Hafidz, Mohammad
Teknik Elektro 
2019-12-05 12:43:23 
Abstract :
Solar energy is a renewable energy source that is abundantly available in Indonesia. the use of solar energy as a power plant is growing rapidly, but there are no standards related to PLTS development in Indonesia. Lately, the basic electricity tariff has continued to increase. So for energy savings and electricity tariffs, the construction of a solar power plant (PLTS) is one of the right choices. PLTS development can be applied to unused vacant land. In designing PLTS for the West Jakarta government office building, accurate calculations are needed to determine the ideal photovoltaic system, which is to find the number of parallel-series connections, find the power generated per day and per year, performance ratio and power losses of the PVP system itself, also calculate the value of the initial investment needed then capital returns to the initial investment again. Therefore in this thesis discussed the planning of the construction of a solar power plant (PLTS) on the roof of a building using an on grid system to help use the application of power data access viewer and global solar atlas. Here we will use 112 solar panels in which 14 in series 8 are connected in parallel using 1 inverter, the cost of making in economic factors is Rp. 254,995,000 and returned at 3 years with a operating life of 25 years PLTS. 

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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara