Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Putri, Baiq Ariani Gandi
Isworo, Lakso
Teknik Elektro
2019-12-05 12:44:50
Abstract :
Electricity is a secondary need that is very important for the whole community, so to guarantee the quality of service, reliable electricity is needed. So one effort that can be done is to minimize the generators that occur in special power generation systems. So the adjustment calculation is needed to release the phase-ground fault protection on the synchronous stator generator. In this study about the protection of the soil in a stator generator with a neutral grounding system with high earth resistance to the case of the Jeranjang power plant. The analysis was carried out on a quantitative method to protect 100% of the earth's stator error at harmonic voltage (27G) and residual stress protection (59G) which simultaneously protect the stator generator against soil changes. Setting the value to release the 59G protection that works if there is a 5 Volts damage that will cover up to the stator winding limit of 95% while removing the 27G protection will cover the stator winding to 12.5%. During the transition, the release of 27G and 59G protection will work and change to overlap. In overlapping operations, the delay time for 59N is 0.5 seconds while for 27G it is 1 second. Release of protection is required in accordance with typical protection delays.