Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Suwarno, Suwarno
Teknik Elektro
2019-12-05 12:45:48
Abstract :
In an electric power system three phase AC synchronous generators are used. Synchronous generator has a rotor in the form of magnetic poles are energized with direct current and called the excitation current. Stator conductors are cut by an electric field which then produces electrical power which is the synchronous generator output. Active power is influenced by rotor torque, while reactive power is influenced by excitation currents. Because there is faults the excitation current can be reduced even lost which causes the generator to be in a state of loss of excitation. This loss of excitation condition can cause severe damage to the stator and rotor from the generator. Therefore the generator must be protected from the danger of loss of excitation. To prevent further damage in this thesis we will examine the role of loss of excitation protection in synchronous generators. In this thesis quantitative methods are used. From the calculation using the offset mho relay, the relay will work in two zones with an upper limit value of 0.158 ?, zone 1 diameter value of 0.931 ? with a 0.5-second delay. The zone 2 diameter value is 1,883 ? with a 1 second delay. From the results of testing the loss of excitation relay in the Muara Karang power plant, the loss of excitation relay has been considered to work well according to its function.