Perhitungan Rugi – Rugi Jaringan Tegangan Rendah Studi Kasus Gardu Pada Distribusi KJ 272 PT.PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta Raya UP3 Kebon Jeruk
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Rozak, Fachrizal
Susanto, Djoko
Teknik Elektro 
2019-12-05 12:46:58 
Abstract :
One of the classic problems faced by the State Electric Company (PLN) at this time especially for electric power distribution systems is power losses, the causes of power losses include inter-phase load imbalances, network length, low power factor and others so. In this research, the calculation of low voltage network calculation is calculating the relative power loss, that is by calculating the voltage drop, conductor resistance, average power loss, power supply so that we get the relative power loss. During the day load, the relative power loss of the distribution substation KJ 272 is 2.07%, while the night load is 5.36%. At the time of measurement, it is known that the current on the neutral conductor is very large. Where at the time of day load, the loss at KJ 272 distribution substation because the current flowing in the neutral conductor is 528.92 watts, while at night load is 701.24 watts. Some ways that can be done to reduce losses are to keep the voltage level in accordance with the permitted value and balance the load in each phase to reduce the current flowing in the neutral conductor. 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara