Peningkatan Efisiensi Sistem Pendingin Udara di Gedung Perkantoran Dengan Optimasi Pembebanan Operasi Chilled Water System
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Fachruroji, Fachruroji
Arifin, Zainal
Teknik Elektro 
2022-11-30 06:19:34 
Abstract :
Nowadays the growth of development sectoris going so fast, it showed by the increasing number of buildings in urban areas, which shows the potential increase in population that balanced with an increase in energy needs. High rise building is one of the biggest energy users in Indonesia. Therefore it needs efforts to save energy use by conserving energy, efficiency in office buildings, one of them the air conditioning system which is optimization of chiller plant system operation based on flow rate. Chiller plant is a series of air conditioning systems that divided into several components that have their own role and function with refrigerant media as a heat exchange media, both in a chilled water system, condenser water system or cooling tower.With these systems, we know efficiency of chiller plant.In this study, using three large chillers and two small chillers. By using data for 24 hours, chiller plant efficiency of 0.6 kW / RT at a cost of Rp. 13.712.067,86. When normal load is 0.86 kW / RT, when peak load is 0.59 kW / RT, and when load drops is 0.75 kW / RT. 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara