Implementasi Metode First Come First Served (FCFS) Pada Aplikasi MAMI Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus : Mie Api Narako)
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Susanti, Meldira
Jatnika, Hendra
Susanti, Meilia Nur Indah
Teknik Informatika 
2023-06-05 07:50:07 
Abstract :
Mie Api Narako is one of the places to eat in the city of Padang with 24 branches in West Sumatra. The number of branches that have been opened so many visitors are familiar with Mie Api Narako as a place to eat favorite spicy noodles with a distinctive taste. The ordering process for Mie Api Narako is still ongoing using manual processes or not yet computerized. Constraints on the system an ongoing order is that visitors have to wait a long time when ordering food manually. If there are many visitors it causes a queue long ones make visitors wait a long time, sometimes employees can't see visitors who come first, so that visitors come later priority over visitors who arrive first. To overcome the existing obstacles, in order to improve the service of this Narako Api Noodle, one The solution that can be proposed is to implement the methodFirst Come Fisrt Served (FCFS) on the application that will manage customer orders. On this application there are features Dine in use QR Code. Method system development used is the waterfall method. Web application built using the PHP programming language. This application can also improve service to customers. 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara