Analisis Energi dan Eksergi Sistem PLTU Sebelum dan Sesudah Overhaul di PT.Indonesia Power UJP Adipala
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Ramadhan, Alif Wahyu
Prayudi, Prayudi
Teknik Mesin 
2019-10-20 07:18:22 
Abstract :
Energy and Ecergy Analysis of Steam Power Plant Before and After Overhaul in PT. Indonesia Power UJP Adipala. In PLTU systems research usually only refers to energy efficiency. In a PLTU system it is not enough to simply refer to energy efficiency or only based on Law 1 Thermodynamics, but it is also necessary to combine it with an exergy approach with based on Law II Thermodynamics. Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the energy and exergy of the PLTU system before and after overhaul at PT. Indonesia Power UJP Adipala to determine the location, type and loss or heat loss that occurs in the Adipala power plant, so that potential losses can be identified and carried out improvements in the future. One of the methods used is a calculation method based on mass balance and energy efficiency and exergy influenced by entropy. The results of the study also showed that components that have great potential to make improvements are BFP (Boiler Feed Pump) with Idestroyed values of 37% (before overhaul) and 43% (after overhaul), thus giving a good effect on changes in efficiency. 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara