Analisis Pengaruh Nilai Kalori Batubara Terhadap Efisiensi Boiler Unit 1 PLTU Ombilin
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Kurniawan, Bagas
Hendri, Hendri
Teknik Mesin 
2019-10-20 07:18:58 
Abstract :
Coal has the dominant power in generating electricity and be one of the main parameters that affect the performance of the plant. The performance of the boiler in producing hot steam at high temperatures is needed by a steam turbine to power the generator so it can produce electricity. In boiler there is a combustion process and heat transfer, so one of the things that affects the efficiency of the boiler is coal fuel. The content of the coal itself includes sulfur, hydrogen, moisture, carbon and among all of the content it affects the caloric value of coal. Coal calorific value is one of the factors that affect the efficiency of the boiler. In this minithesis, the calculation and analysis of the effect for the coal caloric value were carried out in several samples of coal used at PLTU Ombilin, and conducted a comparison between all the samples. The coal caloric value can affect the efficiency of the boiler in heat failure. This research uses the calorific value of coal 5400 kcal / kg, 5437 kcal / kg, 6027 kcal / kg, the results of the study indicate a change in boiler efficiency with different coal calorie values. The highest boiler efficiency at a calorific value of 5400 kcal / kg with a boiler efficiency value of 89.83%. There has also been a change in the consumption value of coal-specific coal with different calorific values. The lowest specific fuel consumption value using coal calorie value of 6027kcal / kg So that this research can be a reference to determine the quality of coal for power plants, especially UPK (Executing Unit) Ombilin. 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara