Pengaruh Natural Gas dan HSD Terhadap Efisiensi Turbin Gas Unit 1.1 PLTG Grati
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Bagaskara, Wahyuga Adhi
Prayudi, Prayudi
Teknik Mesin 
2019-10-28 04:24:19 
Abstract :
Development and development in this country is growing and advancing. The development of a country will make the supporting things also increase. One of the supports is the need for electricity use. Electrical energy needs in Indonesia are always increasing every day this happens because of the increase and advancement of technology. So that PT. Indonesia Power UPJP Perak - Grati needs a safe and reliable generator that has a good response to load demand. Therefore, this study will show the efficiency of the Gas Turbine due to the use of LNG and diesel oil fuels. Because the differences in the operational characteristics of a power plant based on the fuel used will affect the performance of a plant. Therefore, the analysis of the effect of using HSD and LNG on the efficiency of the Gas Turbine needs to be done because it is very important. So, it can be clearly known the effect of the use of fuel from a generator on the performance of a gas turbine. After the calculation, the efficiency thermal of the load of 92 MW was obtained at 30,51% to 31,43%, an increase of 0,92% at the time of the load of 97 MW using gas fuel. Where the thermal efficiency of ssat turbines uses HSD fuel of 28,25% at a load of 92 MW to 31,39% when the load increases 97 MW 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara