Pengaruh Ketidakseimbangan Beban Terhadap Efisiensi Transformator Gardu Distribusi JKL di PT. PLN (Persero) Area Ciputat
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Pradana SWM, Tajanwar
Susanto, Djoko
Teknik Elektro 
2019-10-28 04:30:27 
Abstract :
The unbalance of the load on an electric power distribution system always occurs and cause is namely the use of electric energy by customers are not always the same or uneven in use. Due to load unbalance arise the current in the neutral of the transformer. The current flowing in the neutral of the transformer is lead to the occurrence of the loss (losses), namely the loss due to neutral currents on conductor of neutral of the transformer and the loss due to neutral current flowing to the ground. Loss contained in a transformer is a power loss, core loss and loss of copper. In analyzing the problem using a mathematical method includes the equation of imbalance of the load transformer, power losses and efficiency of transformer. After analyzed, it is obtained that when there is an imbalance of the load, then the neutral current, which appears too large, losses due to neutral current flowing to the ground is also greater so that the efficiency of the transformer decreases. At the Substation JKL unbalance load of 20% (during the day) and 40,66% (night) with a loss of 1,180 kW (during the day) and 1,636 kW (night), the losses due to the presence of neutral current in the neutral conductor of 5,720 kW (during the day) and 6,503 kW (night), losses due to neutral current flowing to the ground amounted to 2,753 kW (during the day) and 4,894 kW (night), and efficiency transformer amounted to 97.16 levels% (during the day) and 96,16% (night). 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara