Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Silalahi, Melva Afriani Angelina
Handayasari, Indah
Teknik Sipil
2019-09-13 06:09:37
Abstract :
Construction Pavement is generally divided into two types of pavements, they are Flexible Pavement and Rigid Pavement. The performance of the two types of pavement is determined to drive the road function. In this study, the road?s pavements planning used is Flexible Pavement and Rigid Pavement using the Bina Marga Method. Where, the purpose of this study is to provide the best alternative selection for the case study of Overpass Sedyatmo Rawa Bokor Tangerang - Banten. Where from the calculation results, for flexible pavement, the thickness of the surface layer (Surface) is 5 cm, the upper foundation layer (Base Course) is 15 cm, and the lower foundation layer (Subbase Course) is 10 cm. As for the planning of thick rigid pavement (Rigid Pavement) obtained concrete thickness (Rigid) of 25 cm, and class A aggregate of 15 cm. For the calculation of flexible pavement costs of Rp. 1.776.753.000,00 while rigid pavement has a cost of Rp.,00. Judging from the results of the calculation, flexible pavement can be selected as an alternative to Prof. Ir. Sedyatmo?s Overpass of Rawa bokor , Tangerang - Banten.