Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Suprapto, Yanuar Aditio
Untoro, Agung
Teknik Elektro
2019-10-30 06:03:11
Abstract :
In the process of distributing electrical energy, there is losses of power on the plant, transmission and distribution. In general, losses can be divided into two types : technical losses and non technical losses Technical losses is the losses that occurs as a impact of impedance on generating equipment and distribution equipment, so there is energy loss in the form of heat. While the non technical losses is the losses caused by the misuse of electricity (theft). losses of energy can not be avoided because the equipment isn't able in 100% efficiency level. what needs to get attention: is there losses that occurs in the limits of reasonableness, most of the losses are on the distribution network. In this bachelor thesis will discuss the calculation of load factors and loss factors obtained from the daily load data. The result of energy losses calculation using the approach method on the Ulakan Feeder of Amlapura substation is 6344,267 kWh.