Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Firdaus, Faizal Akbar
Makkulau, Andi
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-05 00:30:02
Abstract :
Economic escalation in Indonesia will be directly proportional to the pattern of public consumption of electrical energy. Given the importance of electrical energy for people's lives, a power system must be able to serve customers well, in the sense that the power system is safe and reliable that does not endanger the human and the environment. Along with the increasing infrastructure development, it is necessary to provide electricity to support the development. However, frequent voltage drops that occur in the network due to the growth of electricity needed by the public. As is the case with the Cikokol Area medium voltage network, the voltage drop on the Feeder Susu exceeds that of the SPLN specified standard T6.001 : 2013 for variation of voltage values. Therefore, the authors will conduct a reconfiguration study on the network to meet the specified standards by using rational and systematic methode. On the Feeder Susu there are 45 substation voltage drops: NS39P (16,635 kV), NLS14 (16,646 kV), TG14C (16,888 kV) tonnage with nominal voltage of 20 kV. After conducting a network reconfiguration study, the voltage at the substations has increased the voltage so that it meets the standards determined by PLN, namely NS39P (18,937 kV), NLS14 (18,96 kV), TG14C (18,974 kV).