Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Mamba'ul Izzi, Muhammad Miftah
Pantouw, John P.
Teknik Sipil
2019-09-13 06:16:15
Abstract :
Cirata Reservoir is located in purwakarta district of West Java, in addition to functioning as a hydroelectric power plant, also functions as a flood controller, so it can accommodate excessive flood discharge due to rain. The occurrence of climate change and land use in the Citarum River flow area which was originally a conservation land into agricultural land, plantations, settlements, and industries caused the destruction of land in the area around the Citarum River flow area, this condition causes the flood discharge that occurs bigger and come more Quickly into the reservoir so it is feared that the reservoir of water in the reservoir will overflow through the dam, one of the actions that can be done to overcome the problem is to exalt the body of the dam.
Therefore, the processing of rainfall data within 14 years taken from 1 most influential rain station is Cirata rain station. The data of rainfall is selected based on the largest value every year, the calculation is done by using flood hydrograph nakayasu method to get the maximum value of the possibility of flood, the resulting flood discharge of 5761.2458 m3 / s. The flood discharge will be the basis in high planning on the dam body with flood tracking. Based on the calculation, the water level of the reservoir el. +223,78, with the initial water level on the reservoir is el +223, so the elevation that needs to be done on the Cirata dam body is 0,78 m ? 1 m (parapet) and the total height of the dam is 135 m + 1 m Parapet, with this elevation, the capacity of the reservoir reservoir increased by initially 2,165 million m3 to 2.167,23 million m3