Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Setiawan, Galuh
Sudibyo, Uno Bintang
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-05 00:31:21
Abstract :
The reliability of distribution is very important in the flow of electric power systems. The feeder?s quality can be seen from the duration of the disturbance and the number of obstacles experienced in the feeder. Therefore, determining the reliability level on the feeder or distribution system can be seen based on SAIDI index (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index). This study aims to examine the reliability index of Madu feeder and Lindung feeder of PT. PLN (Persero) Teluk Naga Area in 2017. Both of these feeders are SKTM types, Madu feeder have 5105 subscribers with channel length 17474 kms, and Lindung feeder has 3602 with 9,959 kms of channel length. Calculations by the FMEA (Failure Modes Effects Analysis) method calculate the possibility of SAIDI and SAIFI indexes from each load point on the feeder. Index of Madu Feeder SAIDI= 0,01186 hour/year, dan SAIFI= 0,000661 times/year. Index of Lindung Feeder SAIDI= 0,02524 hour/year, dan SAIFI= 0,000602 times/year Based on the results of calculations performed on Madu feeder and Protector feeder Index from SAIDI and SAIFI each feeders has good reliability with reference to index set by SPLN 59 1985.