Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Kusuma, Ardea Tryas
Susanto, Djoko
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-05 00:31:59
Abstract :
An electric motor in a steam plant has an importantrole to circute demin water from deaerator headed to the steam drum.the induction type electric motor can move the water in very large number that can reach hundreds if tons/hour for each motor operates continously. So it consume a lot of power in every movement the electric motor has a power losses absorbed by the motor it self. It is called a power losses. From this power losses we can know the power efficiency of the electric motor kis the result of input power minus power losses. In connection with the electric motor driven feed water pump and condensate pump in steam power plant Muara Karang steam unit blok 2. And so it required about the power losses and power efficiency of the electric motor. After doing the calculations and analysis, motor FWP A have an efficiency of 96,93 and FWP B 96,45%. Electric motor driven condesat pump have an efficiency of 95,29%.then according to the standard minimum limit of 85% eficiendy can be concluded that the condition of the electric motor is still in good condition because it is still within the require limits.