Abstract :
Geographical Information Systems differed from ordinary information
systems. Geographical information systems has separate excesss. Presence of
Public Health Center ( Puskesmas) be one of step taken by government to
increase and takes care of public health. Data system puskesmas especially
pandemic Diare done that there are still in manual so that will slow down in
doing seeking of data as well as lack of usual information got public visiting
Public Health Service office Sukabumi about condition of area and location
puskesmas becoming spreading primary factor of disease Diare. Public Health
Service requires information systems which can do mapping in accurate figure
and gives information in explains to spreading of Diare disease.
Based on reasoning of the problem, hence built [by] geographical
information systems of spreading of diarrhoea disease in sub-province Sukabumi
bases on web using method Deskriptif Analisis. As for develop its(the software
using method waterfall. Programming language applied to finalize This
geographical information systems that is by using ArcView to make shapefile or
data spatial, MapServer ( Cheetah) as map its(the server, Maplab as application
to present and edits map, server HTTP Apache version 2.0.55, PHP version 4.4.0,
PHP/MAPSCRIPT version 4.6.1 and 4.4.2, program utility ( library) GDAL &
OGR and some tools its(the lai assistant as making software of apllikasi
Geographical Information Systems Based On Web.
Result from SIG built has been tested with examination of Alpha applies
examination Blackbox, and examination of Betha based on result of questionaire.
this SIG can assist in giving information about puskesmas, number of patients
Diare in the form of graphic, and environmental health factor and data
puskesmas like address, number of medical doctors, number of employees,
facility, and others in assisting Sub-province Public Health Service sukabumi to
provide Geographical Information Systems service for public, and officer Dinas
Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sukabumi.