Abstract :
Hospital Lanud Sulaiman is residing in Passageway Kopo Margahayu is
one of hospital which there is in area Bandung Selatan. This hospital still using
ways which manual in its(the data processing. Problems that is often arises in
process of data processing in manual is existence of difficulty in data processing,
data which tercecer or archiving of regular has not data, as does heaping of
patient data TNI, public public patient data, polyclinic visit data, visit data takes
care of lodging. Sometimes officer can do mistake in processing data. At seeking
process of data existence of difficulty in doing data seeking. Based on above
problems hence built [by] Medical record information systems.
This medical record information systems applies descriptive research
method with research type of case study at hospital, where data collecting
technique applied, for example that is observation, interview, and literature study.
For data analytical technique applies method waterfall, while modeling analysing
applies analysis structural that is ERD ( Entity Relationship Diagram) in
depicting data model and DFD ( Data Flow Diagram) to depict functional model.
System constructor software is Borland Delphi 7 with database MySQL 41. Data
which diolah in this system between it is patient data TNI, public public patient
data, officer data, medical doctor data, room;chamber data, special action data,
visit data pooliklinik, visit data takes care of lodging. While output from system in
the form of medical record card, patient card.
Medical record information systems in hospital Lanud Sulaiman has been
tested with mengunakan examination of alpha applies examination method of
black box with conclusion of test result has free of mistake sintaks. Whereas
examination of beta done by giving questionaire to staff in hospital Lanud
Sulaiman. Conclusion of beta test result express that system has amenity to be
studied, display draws, easy to be applied, data diolah swiftly, assists in medical
record data processing.