Abstract :
Game lelempengan is a game compile queue at game board. Intention of
this game is making queue as much as possible again compile queue by player.
In this have symbol to a player and computer, player given by radian
symbol of green colour and red coloured computer, with victory instruct vertical,
horizontal, and diagonal, way of playing this game a player have to compile
radian symbol as according to amount victory queue which have been determined
To make application game lelempengan, writer use minimax technique,
seeking of heuristic and rekursi. Seeking minimax that is circumstantial detection
technique, seeking heuristic that is a technique to increase efficiency in course of
seeking, and rekursi that is a defined relation as part of it self definition.
Implementation game of lelempengan done by using Visual Microsoft
Basic 6.0, which have interface appearance (Graphical User Interface) so that
water down user interaction with application.