Abstract :
Academic data processing at SMPN 1 Tarogong Kidul Garut still use
manual way, so it is cause some trouble like unarranged of academic data
archives so data searching can be difficult being a reason academic information
system which can give information about academic activity at the school to be
The academic information system use descriptive research method with
the type of research is case study to the school, where the data collective
technique use waterfall method but for analysis model use structured analysis
those are ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) to drawing data model and DFD
(Data Flow Diagram) for drawing functional model .the system developer
software is Borland Delphi 7.0 with database MySQL 4.1. The data can process in
this system are: student data, teacher data, worker data, class data, field study
data, schedule data and grade data. System outputs are student grade report,
student data report, teacher data report, worker data report, and schedule data
The system testing being done consists alpha testing with black box testing
method with the summary of test result are the occur of syntax mistake may be can
happen because the filter process in the direction of message display still not yet
maximum, and beta testing with the summary of test result are system has
attractive display, easy to use, can help in data processing, data can process
rapidly and can give information that is being wanted.