Abstract :
In line with development of information technology,we increasingly facilitated in obtaining an information.And with it presents requirement internet of information need becomes so easy at the moment,we enable to transfer the information any time and anywhere only in calculation second (relatively to internet connection of course).On that reason internet many applied by various party for secondary or even primary tool for doing their activity everyday.It’s caused the price of computer hardware and internet connection that is relatively is reached and easy tobe gotten,and other peripherals that swimmingly can be connected with internetnet work,supported also number of relative human resources many has understood and accustomed to internet technology.
Based on statement above,we able to exploiting of internet technology for become solution of communication media between two or more node,and with certain method can be done selection of access to resources so that privacy of data can be taken care of.
Client Server by using internet facility as communication media become sone of distributed system architecture,where can give comfort to transact without neglecting security and safety problem at the time doing transaction of data request.