Abstract :
PT. PLN (Persero) distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten, unit pelayanan jaringan Bandung
Timur, in this case Part of Administration and Monetary require an sitem information
for the officer remuneration management. Development of information system this
officer remuneration use Microsoft excel. This matter cause constraints, like tardy in
data input so that require sufficient time. Information yielded by using Microsoft excel,
accurate becoming not again, to know information employ officer which relate at
peringkat Management Unjuk Kerja officer and also look for position/occupation of
each every officer, experiencing of delay
The aim of this study that the information system is avoiding non accommodate
office employee in employee expense, to helping in processing and managing office
employee expense, and finding out office employee expense easily. So that it can make
fast and valid information.
Pervant to examinatin, informatin system develop, builded assessed can be
learned enought easy to used with the interesthing appearance, enought the user and
yield the valid information.