Abstract :
CVS is abbreviation from Concurrent Version System, a system able to
assist to control change from a file. CVS begin as with refer toing shell script
written by Dick Grune, delivered to comp.sources.unix newsgroup in rilis 6
volume at December 1986. Even there no code coming from this script in new
version of CVS, many conflict resolution algorithm come from the script. April
1989, Brian Berliner design and decode CVS. Jeff Polk later assist Brian with
CVS module desain and support branch vendor ( support branch vendor). This
CVS usually weared by programer to assisting him work, although in fact this
CVS can be exploited do not only by programer.This Exploiting CVS the example
can also exploited by webmaster or can also exploited by people who wish to
make document, and many more.
CVS can return again to previous version from application which have
been made. CVS also save all version of each made file. Useful CVS also if us
member a group of one who put hand to the project. With project of done by many
people, hence possibility the happening of conflict at source code file very big, for
example one people change file which have been altered by its others. CVS
overcome this problem by limiting all developer one another. Every developer
work in its directory.