Abstract :
PD. BPR LPK Garut Kota needs system which can arrange the business
plan and can present choices as a support in decision making. Usually, the
arrangement of business plan is done manually which is implemented in excel,
even though at the company there is a system, but the system is a financial
information system that is have limited just for the financial transaction,. The
arrangement of business plan that is still use manual way make the company need
a lots of time to arrange the business plan and making a decision to choose the
business plan will be implemented. Usually, at the company decision making is
done by the relevance individual group so the result of research has a better
The decision support system of the arrangement of business plan use
descriptive research method with the type of research is case study to the
company, where the data collective technique is used are observe, interview and
literature study. For data analysis technique use waterfall method but for analysis
model use structured analysis those are ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) to
drawing data model and DFD (Data Flow Diagram) for drawing functional
model. Decision support method use AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) with
criterion selection method is cut off score. The system developer software is
Borland Delphi 7.0 with database MySQL 4.1. The data that can process in this
system are: fund gathering plan, fund distribution plan, expense plan, invention
plan, etc.
After through all steps appropriate with development method that have
been chosen, so the system testing done that is consist alpha testing use black box
testing method which have focus to the functional criterion of software with the
summary of testing result is the occur of syntax mistake may be can happen
because the process filter in the direction of message display still not yet
maximum, and beta testing that is a field testing with summary of testing result
are the system was good, can be learned, easy to use, with the attractive display
and appropriate with the company necessity.