Abstract :
CV. GRAFIKA KREASINDO is Warehouse Division needs information
system for to control material data in warehouse. Information system development
relate at manual system. Manual system which walk in this time frequently result
inventory stock do not reside in at level which have been specified before. Not
rarely production division have to change plan production because no supply
material, besides inventory stock often reside in far in under minimum of stock.
In course of development of this information system use descriptive
research method with type research of case study at company, where used data
collecting technique, for example that is observation, interview and literature
method. For the technique of software development use method of waterfall,
while to water down system design used some tools for example Flow Map, ERD
(Entity Relationship Diagram), Context Diagram (Diagram Context), DFD (Data
Flow Diagram), Data Dictionary, Relationship Scheme, Tables Structure, and
Semantic Network. On the other side, database developing application tool uses
MySQL server and Borland Delphi 6.0 programming language.
After passing step matching with selected development method hence in
planning information system implementation and inventory control of this
material have follow-up examination system which consist of examination of
alpha and examination of beta.
After examination can be pulled conclusion that software can made
computerize all material datas in warehouse, assisting to water down activity
buying of material, assisting request activity of material from in Produce Division
to in Warehouse Division.
And also made software can yield report in the form of data information of
supplier, data of inventory, request of material, buying of material, acceptance of
material which presented in tabular able to be printed according period is