Abstract :
Archiving of letter done at Management Majors of Informatics UNIKOM
at the moment still be done in manual and less effectively in record-keeping and
seeking of letter data causing requires time sufficiently long in doing all the
processes. Therefore is required a software to assist manages letter data
effectively and efficient. To assist finalizes constraints faced hence compiler to
take heading " The Application Of Letter Data Processing Bases On Client
Server". With existence of the application of this expected letter data processing
system there becomes is better from before all.
After the application of this letter data processing made and based on
result of questionaire to Majors chief / Secretary, and majors secretariat
Management Majors of Informatics hence given by conclusion that with existence
of the application of this hence incoming letter data processing system and
outward letter becomes more efisien,lebih quickly and easy, because in giving of
secretariat letter number shall no longer need to open letter file and letter number
will be noted is automatic at the time of secretariat opens new letter. Therefore
hence mistake number giving of letter can be minimalized. In process of seeking
of letter data would easier and quickly without need to open so documentation
files also security of data also more well guarantedly with existence of giving
password. Besides database kept centrallyly at the application of this letter data
processing far more effective.