Abstract :
Fire disaster is a harming disaster. In handling fire, especially at BTS
(Base Transceiver System) fire cases, found lots of difficulty, such as hard to
found a fire source and moment to handling that fire, particularly for the BTS that
out off reach located immediately. This situation will be impact a huge Lost, and
influenced for a Mobile Communication.
To build a Software System for Detect Fire on the BTS Using SMS
Gateway Technology, make use Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. This process included
receiver censor data which sent from Smoke Detector, and be process by
Microcontroller afterwards by using serial port (RS232) as interface for sent a
information to GSM Modem, so fire can be detected immediately. User
characteristic priority is for the user who have knowledge about computer,
operating system use the Microsoft Windows and application censor is smoke
detector censor.
These software testing use the method of Black Box examiner. Black Box
examiner, focus on the requirement of software functional which is build and
utilize test data based of DFD or exist Chart.
Keyword: Method of Black Box, Microcontroller, Serial port (RS232),