Abstract :
The students are hoped for understand the narrative text, but many
students still find the difficulties in reaching the goal. Students face
several problems when they read narrative text. Mostly, the students find
the difficulty in orientation the text. This research aims to teach reading
the ninth grade students’ narrative text in MTs Al Abror. The research
was conducted in Class IX A. This study was an action research in the
class. It was conducted in two meetings. The steps of the research were
survey, planning, action and observation, and reflection. The subjects of
the research were 17 students of IX A class. The data collected were in
the form of qualitative data. The qualitative data were gained from
observation. The result of the research showed that the Comic Strips can
use to teach narrative reading comprehension. In order to be successful in
teaching reading a narrative text to junior high school students, teacher is
suggested to be able to create an interesting and effective way. In writing
this paper, the researcher expects the teacher to motivate the students in
reading process by using comic strips in MTs Al-Abror. It is suggestions
to the teacher to use this media for the students to initiate them to read
more in this fun way.