Abstract :
Writing skills are very important in learning English to make it easier for someone
to exchange information or ideas with others. Thus, teachers also need interesting
strategies for teaching writing. One strategy that can be used is stay and stray. This
research investigates the implementation of stay and stray in teaching writing
hortatory exposition. By using the observation checklist instrument, field notes, and
question list, the researcher found that students could write exposition hortatory
texts using sentence structures correctly in groups. In this activity, students are
active and critical. At the final meeting students were asked to fill out a list of
questions about their opinions related to stay and stray strategies in learning
hortatory exposition writing. The findings showed that the percentage of students
calculated higher scores is 78% and the lowest score of 22%. The students agreed
that writing hortatory exposition using stay and stray was very interesting and
enjoyable in the learning process. It can be concluded that the stay and stray strategy
can help students to write hortatory exposition.