Abstract :
Nowadays, students usually use gadget to do their activity, including for their study.
Therefore, teachers are affected to use technology for the lesson in the class due to the
student’s behavior in this era. Flipped classroom is one method which uses the technology
for the lessons. In flipped classroom, students are provided with materials, or video, or
PowerPoint slide in the first meeting as the outlines that will be used in one semester.
Students prepare themselves at home to attend the class actively based on the topic they
are going to discuss. Statements of the problem of this research are; how is the
implementation, and how is the student’s responses. Therefore, the purpose of this study
is to describe them. The researcher observed flipped classroom in TEFL 2 which is one
subject at 6th semester in 2015 English Class STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo and it used
descriptive qualitative. The researcher used observation field notes, and questionnaires
for students. Teacher used three phase technique when implemented flipped classroom.
There are; presentation, practice, and production. Flipped classroom was really good
method, it proofed by 95% students was enjoying the class using flipped classroom
method. They feel easier learn the material, and more active when using this method.