Abstract :
This research was intended to improve the ability in writing descriptive texts
through brainstorming technique for grade VII students at SMP N 2 Wonoayu in
the academic year of 2020/2021. This study was qualitative in nature. The
researcher worked collaboratively with the English teacher in implementing the
actions. The data of this research were mostly qualitative. The qualitative data were
obtained by observing the teaching and learning process, and gave the questionnaire
to the students of class VII-i at SMP N 2 Wonoayu. The data were in the form of
field notes and questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the
implementation of brainstorming technique in the writing classes was believed to
be effective to improve students? ability in writing descriptive texts. Brainstorming
technique helped the students to generate ideas and organize them into paragraphs.
The students also perceived that brainstorming technique helps them to improve
their writing ability.the implementation of brainstorming technique in the writing
instructions gives positive effects on improving students? performance and
achievement in writing descriptive text. In reference to the result of the study,
brainstorming could improve the students? ability in writing descriptive texts in
terms of encouraging the students to start with writing. Brainstorming facilitates the
students to activate their prior knowledge before they practice their writings.