Abstract :
Writing is a problem for many students. Many students find it difficult to express their
idea and arrange the sentence correctly. To overcome the problem, the researcher used
fairy tale movie. by using fairy tale movie, teacher can create enjoyable class and
explore students' creativity. The aims of this study are to describe the implementation
of fairy tale movie in teaching writing narative text and to describe the students' opinion
after teaching learning by using fairy taleI movie. This research used descriptive
qualitative.The subjects were the teacher and the eigthth class students in class VIII-A
of SMP PGRI 16 Sidoarjo. The instruments are field note and questionaire. Source of
data was taken from the data of field note and questionnaire. The research was
conducted in two meetings. In each meeting, the teacher greeted the students' checked,
explained the narrative text. After that the teacher showed the English movie to the
students'. Afterwards the teacher asked them to rewrite the story in the movie. In the
students' opinion, there are 82% students' answer agree and 18% students' answer
disagree in the use of fairy tale movie. It means that, the students' feel interested, enjoy,
and easier in writing narrative text by using fairy tale movie. It suggested for the next
researcher to make this method as reference and it is one of the method can be used to
help the students explore their writing