Abstract :
This research is about the application of comic strips in teaching reading narrative
text. Subjects in this study consisted of 9 students. As a fellow English teacher, the
researcher stated that the teacher's teaching method was too monotonous and less
innovative. This study aims to determine the implementation and difficulties of a
teacher in teaching narrative text using comic strips. The use of comic strips in this
study can be measured using an observation sheet and the teacher's response to
difficulties can be measured through interviews conducted between researchers and
teachers. With this method, it can be seen how the teacher applies and difficulties in
using comic strips when teaching narrative texts. The results of data analysis show that
the use of comic strips in teaching reading narrative texts attracts students' interest in
learning English. In the interview session there were several difficulties experienced
by the teacher that hindered the teaching and learning process. However, the problem
can be overcome by the teacher by showing some solutions. The researcher expect that
the next researcher will be more innovative and use more than one meeting, so the
research will be more specific and extensive. The next researcher is recommended to
use field note to facilitate the data collection because the data obtained will be easily
forgotten by researchers. Furthermore, the researcher suggest the other researcher to
use questionnaire as their instrument because the research will obtain data that is
relevant to the research and obtain data with the higher possible reliability and validity