Abstract :
This research explains about writing and clustering technique. The objectives of
the research first, how are the Steps of Teaching Writing Narrative Text by Using
Clustering Technique to the Undergraduate of STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo Academic
Year 2021 and second, to describe the Students Perception on Teaching Writing
Narrative Text by Using Clustering Technique to the Undergraduate of STKIP
PGRI Sidoarjo Academic Year 2021. The method of this research used qualitative
method in online class. The collecting data were observation checklist, field note,
and Questionnaires. The findings of this study are: first, describing teacher?s
implementation of teaching, they are: 1. To show tasks that are similar to the tasks
they will do in the lesson assignment stage.2. To describe an example of a task
designed to prepare them to perform the task.3. To provide strategic planning for
the implementation of the main tasks.4.To convey the material to be presented,5.
To invite students to discuss learning objectives related to the problems discussed.
6.To ask students to examine the problems that will be discussed related to the
material provided, such as finding sources of information according to the
problems to be discussed. 7. To give students time to do assignments. 8. To
provide feedback. 9. To make conclusions from the material that has been studied.
10. To evaluate the learning that has taken place. Second finding is the student?s
perception 93,75% get positive perceptions. This indicates that clustering
technique makes students more understand and feel enjoyable.