Abstract :
Tenses is a tool that English speaker use to express time in their language and learn
to think like a native speaker. Academic writing is the kind of writing that you are
required to do in collage or university. This research aimed to decribe the types of
tenses on academic writing produced by English students in research method
subject. This research used the descriptive qualitative method to identify one or few
tenses that intended to use in this research design. The data were taken from some
of English education students? final paper of STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo in fifth
semester. The researcher found tenses result in the form of percentage were 18 or
48,64% tenses found in simple present, 17 or 45,96% tenses found in simple past,
3 or 5,4% tenses found in simple future, and 0 % in other tenses. In conclusion,
tenses helped to know the students? ability in understanding language learning,
especially in writing research method section.