Abstract :
The research problem of this research, whatever lecturer strategy in teaching reading
comprehension and how it is the aplication in the first semester of thr academic year 2021-
2022. The method of this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this
research is English Lecturer of semester one STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Instrument this research
is observation and interview. The results of findingone of the strategies of eight strategies
written on SQ3R (Surveying, Questioning, Reading, Reciting, and Riviewing). Lecturers can
know the extent to which the growing understanding of what has been lecturer to them. And
the lecturer can know the extent to which students understanding do the task after reading the
text that has been given a lecturer. And students help to focus more on text and understand do
what the contents of the text. Students response showed that the presentation of 40% answer
60% did not answer. Students are interesed in teaching reading comprehension using SQ3R