Abstract :
Teaching Writing is one of the important aspects in teaching the application of language.
Writing is an activity to channel ideas or ideas in written form. One of the writing processes is
to start by writing paragraphs. Paragraph writing gives students theories and practice on how
to write good paragraphs. In fact, in a class with students who have different levels of
proficiency, it will create difficulties in measuring whether students are at the same intensity
in their understanding. To solve the problem of students having difficulty finding mistakes,
corrective feedback strategies were given. Corrective feedback is an important technique to
Correct the students? works in teaching and learning process (Handayani, 2018). The researcher
took lecturer and 25 students? of English education program in first semester at STKIP PGRI
Sidoarjo as the subject of the study. This study aimed to describe the use and perceptions of
corrective feedback in paragraph writing. The researcher gets the data of the research from
table analysis and questionnaire. The result showed that the lecturer used indirect corrective
feedback and focuses on correct word choice, punctuation, grammar, organization, spelling,
and content. Lecturer gives error corrections or marks such as underscores and arrows. This
study shows that the use of corrective feedback can make students enhance their writing skills
and motivate to refine the result of their paragraph. The result of questionnaire shows that 17%
strongly agree, 66% agree, 15% neutral, 2% disagree, and 0% strongly agree. By using this
technique, the students are capable to knowing their errors, the reason and correct it. So, it can
accelerate the teaching-learning writing process. The result of giving corrective feedback on
student writing is to motivate students to enhance their writing. This study concludes that?s
corrective feedback can enhance the learning performance if paragraph writing. Moreover, the
further researcher should improve writing teaching technique by using more detailed
assessments, a method that can be used to help students develop corrective feedback.