Abstract :
Speaking is also one of the four skills that is very important for students because
they can understand what people are saying by speaking, students can also know
what people mean and how people feel. Verbal interaction does not only occur in
the classroom but also occurs everywhere and is part of daily activities as our
spoken language. This study aims to observe verbal interactions in the classroom
and the perception of the use of verbal interactions in speaking classes. In this
study, the researcher used qualitative research because the researcher analyzed the
actions in the classroom during the teaching and learning process by using the
verbal interaction method. Researchers took 20 students of the first semester
English education study program at STKIP PGRI SDOARJO. as a research
subject. Furthermore, researchers obtained research data from observation
checklists and questionnaires. This study shows that the use of good verbal
interactions can motivate students to develop speaking skills in front of their
friends and lecturers. The results of the questionnaire showed that 83% were very
happy to participate in learning to speak and 17% did not understand learning to
speak. By using this technique, students are able to develop speaking skills and
are able to communicate well with each other. So that it can make it easier during
the teaching and learning process to speak .This study concludes that verbal
interaction can improve students' ability in teaching speaking