Abstract :
Teaching is not an activity of transferring knowledge from teacher to student, but an
activity that allows students to build their own knowledge. Writing is one of language
skills which considered as a complicated skill to be mastered because it requires variety
of abilities such as generating ideas, determining purposes, developing arguments,
organizing and managing the text effectively, and revising. Due to that matter, this
research proposed peer feedback as one of the effective techniques to apply students?
writing. Peer feedback is frequently applied within the higher education context. As an
instructional method, it can be beneficial to students? learning of domain-specific skills
(van Zundert, Sluijsmans, and van Merriënboer 2010). The students can give comments
on their classmates? writing for better quality writing. They also can learn how to revise
their own text based on comments from peers. The aims of this study, to describe the
application of peer feedback technique and to reveal students? perception of peerfeedback technique. The subject of this research was the first semester at STKIP PGRI
in English education program with lecturer and 22 students. The researcher gets the
data of the research trough observation checklist and questionnaire. The result showed
that the students focus on correct word choice, punctuation, grammar, organization,
spelling. The finding of the study had shown students believed that giving and receiving
peer feedback had several benefits. It was effective, flexible, and can also increase their
writing and reading skill. The questionnaire result shows by the percentage of students
who strongly agree is 14%, agree is 59%, netural is 16% and disagree is 7%. By using
this technique, Peer feedback can be one solution to minimize the errors made by the
students in their writing. They had chance to correct their own errors so it can hone
their awareness. This learning process made students? more active. This activity
encouraged students? motivation in writing. It can be conclude that peer feedback was
an appropriate approach to use in the teaching and learning process. It could be stated
that the use of peer feedback in teaching and increased the students? writing.