Abstract :
This research aimed to be know the type of code mixing, the dominant type of code mixing
and the reasons why the lecturers used code mixing in teaching speaking for beginner level at
STKIP PGRI SIDOARJO. This research methodology that used in this research was
descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research were English lecturer that teach
speaking for beginner level at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. This research used observation and
interview in collecting the data. The result showed that there were three types of code mixing
that used by English Lecturer in teaching Speaking for Beginner Level, namely Intra
Sentential Code Mixing, Intra Lexical Code Mixing,and Involving Change of Pronunciation.
Intra Sentential Code Mixing was the dominant type that often used by English Lecturer in
Teaching S peaking for Beginner Level,which is 16 utterances included Intra Sentential Code
Mixing,1 utterances included Intra Lexical Code Mixing,1 utterances included Involving
Change of Pronunciation, while the reason is repetition used clarification and inserting
sentence fillers or sentence conectors