Abstract :
This research was carried out to determine the reading comprehension skills
of the students at SMPN 41 Surabaya. In order to conduct research, the classroom
action research (CAR) was used on 40 students in class 8-I as subjects. Observation
and tests were the instruments used. Based on the pre-test, the mean score was 66.2,
and the lowest and highest scores were 56 and 76 respectively. Only 10% of the
students passed the test. The results of the test cycle 1 showed, the overall mean test
score was 73.8, and the lowest and highest scores were 64 and 84, respectively. The
students who passed the test based on the criteria of success were still 20 students
(50%). After reaching the test passing percentage of 85%, the test cycle 2 results
showed the mean score was 81.70, the lowest score was 72, the highest score was
92, and there were 34 students who passed the test. Based on the Minimum Mastery
Criteria (KKM) which was > 76 as the agreement at SMPN 41 Surabaya and this
research was stopped due to it reached the criteria of success in the percentage 85%