Abstract :
Code switching is a part of sociolinguistics which explain about switching the
language from one language to others. Code mixing is a part of sociolinguistics
which has meaning about mix the words, phrases or clauses. This study was aimed
to describe the type of code switching and code mixing. This study was applied
descriptive qualitative method. The instruments of this study were the researcher
and documentation. The subject of this study was Joko Widodo. The data of this
study are all words that contain Code mixing and code switching. Steps of collecting
data were: (1) reading the statement president of republic of Indonesia, Joko
Widodo, (2) Observing directly by writing the utterances which is contain code
switching and code mixing and (3) marking the switched phrases or sentences and
mixed words on the utterances. Steps of data analysis were identifying code
switching and code mixing, classifying the types of code switching and code
mixing, analyzing the types of code switching and code mixing, and drawing the
conclusion. The results of this study showed that there was two types code
switching that were inter-sentential code switching and also intra-sentential code
switching. There were three types of code mixing that were insertion, alternation,
and congruent lexicalization.