Abstract :
Government legal responsibilities in the implementation of national education system to carry out the mandate set out in Section 31 of the Constitution Republic of Indonesia 1945 to the intellectual life of the nation. This is confirmed issuance of the Indonesian Government Regulation 47/2008 regarding compulsory education and Indonesian Government Regulations 48/2008 regarding funding education of elementary school (SD) to high school (SMP) free borne by the government through the School Operational Assistance (BOS) to make the education system based on the national human values and justice in the Pancasila. And realize the human rights set out in the Constitution 1945 Republic of Indonesia Article 28c paragraph (1) and Article 28d paragraph (3) every citizen has the right to obtain equal opportunities in government.
Sociologically free primary education can not be realized in a fair and equitable for the presence of educational autonomy, every area is not the same policies and management education in many schools that are not transparent even still many schools to collect funds for the reason given by the government budget for operational costs is not enough. In addition, the 9-year basic education which should free up to secondary education (high school) borne by either the state of infrastructure, teachers' salaries, electricity, telephone, computer, books, stationery without distinguishing between public and private schools.