Abstract :
Hersi Yanti Abeng, 2020186173, compiled a thesis entitled Youth With Christian Character: Theological Analysis Of Aouth Character Based On Titus 2:6-7 And The Implications For PPGT Members In The Perindingan Congregation. Youth is the generation or future of the nation and state, it is on the shoulders of youth that the future of the church is at stake. In youth life, youth character will also be formed. Character is a psychological trait possessed by a person who can distinguish himself from other people. The existence of youth in the church especially the Toraja Church is expected to have Christian character. Christian character is of course based on God?s will in the Bible as in the book of Titus 2:6-7, namely self-mastery, being a role model and honesty.
The writing method used in this research is qualitative with an unstructured interview technique approach and direct field observations. The result of this research is that youth are the future generation of a better church. So the?s the attitude of youth should show youth who can be emulated as a fellowship that exudes a Christian character. Keywords: Youth, Christian Character, PPGT