Abstract :
This study aims to analyze recmitment procedure that is performed by
political party and the impact of lhe procedure to the quality and electability of the members in it. Hence, lhis study aims to understand and explain tho current situation o/ Indonesia?s political parties. In addition, this study also focus on the impact of the political parties to Indonesia?s democracy.
This research will be performed in quaI1taIive melhod wilh phenomenology approach on the recrv/fment procedure and electability of Indonesia?s political parties.Data had been gathered through observation, in- depth interview, documentation, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion).
The outcome of lhis research shows that lhe recruitment procedure in Indonesia?s political parties tends to be inclusive. Evaluation of each recmitment and regeneration performed shows that political system and electability degree of every political parties are closely related to tha recruitment procedure being done by the particular political parties.