Teknik Lighting, Compositing, Dan Animating Stop Motion Dalam Pembuatan Film Animasi Series Popipo Berjudul “Makan”
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Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
Sidiq, Muhammad
2021-12-09 02:37:12 
Abstract :
Lighting is one of the important aspects in making animated films, because in making animation if there is no lighting it will look bland and dark. In animation, lighting is also used to show the atmosphere in a scene to make it look emotional or happy. In animation there is also a stop motion technique where in animating it moves a clay (clay) as an object that is moved and photographed to get a movement of one photo one frame or frame by frame. When all the movements have been photographed and have received sound effects, background music, audio, there will be a process where all of them are combined into a single unit so that there is a movement that is included with the existing sound. This technique is called compositing. In animation, compositing is used to design a finished motion and an existing sound to become a single unit before entering the editing stage. Key Word : Lighting, Animating, Compositing 
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Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta